Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Pine Rivers Yoga Community Learns of Fiwagoh

Sue accepts cheque for $2000

When we were gathering items for the container I sent our wish list to my yoga teacher, Ruth Campbell. She forwarded this request to her mailing list of yoga students who responded with an amazing amount of items to send to Fiwagoh. Ruth attended our thank you party back in March and invited me to share our DVD presentation with the yoga community.
We did this recently at a lovely evening that Ruth and Calum hosted at their home. 40 people attended a Musical Soiree and learnt of Benson and Florence and their wonderful work. Much to our delight, this evening raised in excess of $2000! This money will go towards building the trade school. What a great effort! Well done to Ruth and her amazing band of helpers, especially Shirley and Belinda for all their wonderful catering!

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