Two months ago today, thanks so much generosity, we were able to forward $17000 to Fiwagoh for the garden project.Today's news is that the two tanks have been completed. This means that they have a large holding tank near the borehole. This water supply will be piped to the garden using the irrigation system that has also been purchased with our funds. A second smaller tank has been built and will be plumbed into the orphanage living quarters for the house supply and will be fitted to the desalination unit that has been donated out of the blue, to be shipped from Brisbane shortly along with a water pump also donated. This will reduce operating costs significantly as they are currently paying for a water supply from the local council.
They have also taken delivery of the Poshamill that Sue organised when she was in Kenya in January and they are now milling their own flour which also saves them money.
The garden is now producing pumpkins, some soy beans, carrots and greens. This supply will improve greatly as the new water supply takes effect.
As of this week the three greenhouses funded by our donations are being installed and the installers are training the staff and children in how to best make use of these facilities. Among other things, they have plans to grow organic spirulina which is an amazingly nutritious food.
The very exciting news is that these new developments are not only helping the orphanage but also the community at large as the public are invited to come and use the poshamill, obtain water and they will also be able to share in the produce from the garden as the supply exceeds the demands of the orphanage. Benson and Florence are so excited to be able to help the community at large, as always, with their unrelenting spirit of sharing.